

Family Portrait Planning

Its no secret that time is flying by! I feel like we just rang in the new year but before you knew it summer started.  Now it's August and  we are thinking back to school. And what comes next?!?!

Fall family portrait sessions and thinking about our holiday cards. Then here we are back to ringing in a new year. Whoa, ya'll, slow down the clock! Am I right!?!

So what does that have to do with you and me, or hair/makeup? 

Sarah Kane Photography, my family's go to pro for documenting all of our seasons since I was pregnant with Sloane, announced that her fall mini sessions opened on Monday, July 31.

I had my alarm clock and reminders to snag mine. You need to get yours while they last because last year the day they went on sale the time slots on the day I wanted were slipping away as my husband I discussed which would pick and we were doing it within 2 hours of her opening them up!

You have probably seen this view from my shampoo bowl. Its a good one, if I do say so myself:)

We are scheduled! For December 2nd at 2pm!

Ok so you have the date and time scheduled, great! Congrats, you didn't wait until the last minute. Do you know what else you shouldn't wait for? Thinking about your hair and makeup! And your wardrobe!

The summer is a quieter time around the salon because so many people are out on vacation or don't have child care but September thru December book up really fast and I don't have as much wiggle room. When it gets super busy, I can rarely fit in a last minute, week of request for an appointment. And heaven forbid, one of us has an emergency. 

When should you book your appointment for cut/color/brow shaping?

My recommendation is to have your appointment about a week and a half to two weeks out from the day your portraits are scheduled. If you are trying a new stylist, I would make sure to get your hair done at least once before the appointment just before your photo session.  Click here to book now!

You could book a styling session the day of your photos but I wouldn't recommend having your cut/color done the day of your photos. That would make you too rushed for time.  

Depending on your schedule and how much you believe in your own ability, you could either have me style your hair and/or do your makeup OR you could do the Beauty School Drop In sessions. In these sessions you will learn how to do your own makeup and style your hair for everything from your day to day look or a special occasion like photos. 

If you need any help with this, don't hesitate to reach out. We can work backwards on the calendar from the date of your portrait session to figure out what appointments you need and get that all set so you don't have to worry!

Don't forget that its not just you in these photos, although usually its you that is last on your list.

Ladies, we have got to work on this! Remember to schedule appointments for the rest of your family too. Just click here and set those up! Haircuts at least 2 weeks out for your husband and kids. Make your man feel special by getting him set up with a neck trim a day or so before the photos so he is looking nice and tidy. 

The icing on the cake is wardrobe. Styling a look for your whole family that is color coordinated but not too matchy matchy can be overwhelming for a lot of people. Look no further than the incredibly talented Joanna Avant for help in that department. She has written a few blog posts about prep here and here. She is also available for hire to take care of this task for you. 



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